Monday, June 8, 2009

Is This A Dream?

The short answer is:  No!!!  

Thank God! Goodness!

Why so happy?  

Today was my first day of training for my new job.  It was ok.  The people seem to be good people, the business just that - a business.  I have another 3 1/2 days ahead of me, and they should go relatively smoothly.  

In all honesty, I'm not here to blog about my first day of training, per se.  Per say?  How do I spell that?

I was out to lunch with my new managers and a new trainee like myself at a place called... hmm.  I don't seem to recall the name of it.  Cafe something.  Dulce?  In hindsight, I should've looked at the sign on the restaurant, if only to remember the most amazing thing that happened there.  

We were making small talk, waiting for our food and I was looking around the restaurant for the waitress who I swear was a cheerleader at the University of Delaware.  I couldn't confirm or deny this definitively, but I'm almost positive it was the case that she was.  I think her face was even on a UD bus at some point.  

That wasn't the most amazing thing.  Not even by a long shot.  

As my eyes were wandering around the restaurant, they landed on a child outside chasing a balloon attached to his wrist.  It was easy to see him outside because the whole store front was floor to ceiling windows.  I followed the child with my gaze until I lost sight of him by the door of the restaurant.  It was at this point I saw the backs of two figures looking at the menu posted outside the restaurant entrance.  

They... looked...


My heart skipped about 9 beats as my mind wrapped itself around the possibility that these two people might be who I thought they were...

A slender, gentle, dark blonde haired girl was standing next to a handsome fellow in an earth toned collared shirt with a fairly muscular figure.  

I knew the back of their heads very well.  

I excused myself in a flash and ran out the door to stand behind them.  I don't remember what I said to get them to turn around, but I wish I would've sung a line from one of their songs, because that would've totally blown their mind.  

The two beautiful people who turned around were none other than Jenny & Tyler Somers, of mythical and musical fame around the parts of Delaware and Nashville.  I hadn't seen them in over two years!  (That's kind of a lie) And here they were in Bethesda, Maryland!  And so was I!  Turns out they were on their way back home to Nashville from Delaware, but their car had some minor troubles, so they brought it to a dealer in town to get looked at before their 10 plus hour drive south.  

Jenny, Tyler, Joey

Jenny & Tyler!!! (and me)


None of us were really supposed to be here in the grand scheme of life, but here we were, face to face in an event all too wonderful to be accurately expressed in words.  

So I lied a bit when I said I haven't seen them in two years.  I actually saw them play in Philadelphia at the Tin Angel back in January.  But it was only a short amount of time that I got to spend with them.  And alas, our time together today was fated to be short lived as well.  

The surprise and  joy that overwhelmed me at seeing them was so great, that my hands were actually shaking.  Jenny handed me a copy of their new CD, "This Isn't A Dream" which is playing on my laptop now as I write this.  I could barely contain my excitement.

This Isn't A Dream

This Isn't A Dream


If you would, please check out their website, and buy either or both of their CDs.  Their music is written from deep inside their hearts, and the sound they achieve together is like sweet velvet candy to the ears.  They not only play well together, but are fantastic song writers.  A few of their songs have brought tears to my eyes - both because of the beautiful sounds that reached my ears, and also because I'm infinitely proud of them for following their dreams and passions so unashamedly, with such conviction, that nothing stops them.  

They are incredible musicians, amazing people, and outstanding friends.  

They're also fun to be with.  For proof, watch this video.

Please do yourself (and Jenny & Tyler) a favour, and listen to their music.





  1. hahahaha the world is a napkin... n.n

  2. Joey--seeing you was amazing! I only wish we could've stuck around until you were done with training and spent the evening together! So good to see you!
