Monday, August 6, 2012

Tara and The Polka Dots

Oh hello 2012.  Where have you gone?  It's time to grab what remains of you.

In the thick of summer I left my job.

I looked back at my hard drive from this year and realized I hadn't done a single
photo shoot for myself during the whole first 8 months of 2012.

This realization upset me.  I can't call myself a photographer if I'm
not taking any photos and pushing myself to do more creative work on my own.

I called up my beautiful and talented friend Tara and we took some photos to
get back into the swing of things.

I'm going to be shooting a lot more the rest of the year, experimenting and trying
some new ideas.  Drop me a line if you want to be a part of a shoot!

And now.... Tara.



  1. Great pictures Tara!

  2. [...] See the rest of the shoot, and more of Joey’s beautiful work here here. [...]
